Neolib 2 Development Primer

This primer is intended on giving an introductory overview on how to assist development of Neolib 2. This primer will cover the basic principles being used in Neolib 2 as well as general recommendations when making additions and/or modifications.

1. The NeolibBase class

The NeolibBase class is the base class that any class doing work on a user’s account should inherit. To better explain: Any class that will be using a User instance to access Neopets and/or perform an action on Neopets on a user’s behalf.

The base class provides developers access to a group of functions that solve common problems which arise when automating Neopets. It also sets a common pattern from which the rest of the library expands upon. There are key things to note:

1. All xpath queries should be stored in the _paths attribute. Each path should have an easily identified name attached to it in a dictionary format. It is possible to have several layers of nested dictionaries in this attribute, however this should only be done if it improves readability.


_paths = {
    'inventory': {
        'item': 'query'

2. When querying a page with an xpath query, the internal _xpath() function should be used. This function takes the name or path to an xpath string query and applies it to the HTMLElement or Page object passed to it. It returns the results just as the standard HTMLElement.xpath() function would.


result = self._xpath('inventory/item', pg)

3. Note #1 applies to regular expression queries as well. They should be stored in the _regex attribute and can be formatted just like xpaths.

4. Note #2 applies to querying with regular expressions as well. The internal _search() function should be used for querying a string, HTMLElement, or Page. The results are returned in a list as if re.findall() had been used.

5. Note #1 applies to urls as well. All urls should be stored in the _urls attribute and can be formatted just like xpaths.

6. Note #2 applies to requesting urls as well. The internal _get_page method should be used for requesting configured urls with the configured User instance.

7. The internal User instance supplied in the initialization of the base class and copied to the _usr attribute should be used for all transactions that require a User instance.

8. All child classes of the base class should override the _log_name attribute to something unique and meaningful to that particular class. This attribute is appended to log entries and helps in identifying where the entry originated from.

2. Parsing Tips

Neolib 2 uses a combination of xpath and regular expressions to parse content from Neopets HTML pages. The xpath and regular expression queries are stored and use as described in section 1 of this primer. When writing a class that needs to parse content take the following guidelines into consideration:

1. As far as Neolib 2 is concerned, xpath is preferred over regular expressions. If all content can be parsed with xpath, this would be the preferred method rather than combining the two.

2. It is not uncommon to come across such poorly formatted HTML on Neopets that using xpath purely is simply not ideal. In this case xpath should be used to reach as far into the document as feasible and the remaining information should be extracted from the resulting HTMLElement using regular expressions.

3. Numbers are not expected to be completely uniform across the library, however the following should be taken into consideration when determining if a value should be stored as an integer or string: If the label of the attribute is overwhelmingly clear that it will contain an integer (I.E neopoints) then store it as an integer, otherwise defer to a string.

3. Accessibility

Neolib 2 strives to have a consistent interface for an end user trying to create an automation script. The library prefers a natural and uniform way for accessing underlying API’s. The main method Neolib 2 does this is by objectifying everything and creating intelligent methods and attributes that a person would intuitively expect to be in place (for instance, accessing a user’s inventory by simply typing usr.inventory). That being said, when making new additions to the library, take the following into account:

1. When available, always use a base class for inheriting common methods and attributes. For instance, if you’re creating an interface for a type of inventory, ensure it inherits the Inventory class properly.

2. If the interface you’re creating is directly related to a user, then ensure to create an accessible attribute inside the User class for accessing your interface. For instance, it would be ideal to place an attribute to access a Bank interface inside of the User class because every user has a bank.

3. Prefer properties over attributes if the value being accessed needs to be loaded into memory before becoming useful. For instance, when first initializing a User instance all of the attributes default to none. This can be confusing to the end-user if they don’t know to call individual load() functions to propogate the attributes with data. Therefore, it has been determined the best way to approach this scenario is to pre-load the data in a property definition if it hasn’t already been loaded.

4. Always make an attempt to document your code prior to making a commit to the master branch. Remember that document strings are for the end user and hashtag comments inside of the code are for helping developers understand your logic.

4. Conclusion

The most important thing to do before contributing to Neolib 2 is to thoroughly review the existing code. While doing so it’s important to mentally note the structure being used and the common approaches being taken to retrieving and storing data. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to open up an issue and an appropriate developer will assist in answering it. Now go forth and conquer Neopets!